Can buying a Merino Second Skin save you money and help you think better

Can buying a Merino Second Skin save you money and help you think better


So how much does it cost to heat our home/office for one hour? This is the question we asked ourselves here at Noir. Checkatrade published a report this month* looking to answer just that. There are many ways to heat your home but to keep this short we are just going to focus on gas central heating here as most of us in the UK are connected to and use mains gas. Assuming you’re one of these households, according to Checkatrade, you’re looking at a cost of around 11.51p per kilowatt-hour. This means that if you have a 24 kW boiler, you can expect to pay around £2.76 per hour to run it on mains gas. One way you may be able to avoid putting your heating on is by wearing a warm, soft and cosy Merino wool Second Skin base layer. For every day (£2.76 per hour for 12 hours) it prevents you having to put your heating on, you’ll save £33.12. In just three days it will more than pay for itself. And, if you look after it, it will look after you by giving you many years of use. 

How wearing Merino wool might just help you think better
What happened to a BBC journalist in a cold chamber laboratory when the air temperature was reduced from 21C to 10C for 30 minutes?

What shocked the journalist was the change in blood flow to the brain (it fell by 20%) and how much longer it took him to complete a shape-sorting game (an extra 20 seconds). So, what can you actually do about it? ‘In an ideal world we’d all heat the room we’re in to at least 18C.’ When that is not possible Prof Bailey from the University of South Wales, who led the laboratory research with James Gallagher, the Inside Health presenter from BBC Radio 4**, suggests you focus on clothes that provide good insulation such as those made of wool, eat a high carbohydrate diet and move around more to generate more body heat. Whilst we at Noir Velocity can’t help with the last two we can certainly help with the first.

A Flurry of Christmas fairs
We attended our first Christmas fair at Ibstock Place School last Saturday and were buzzing after a fabulous day. We were blown away by the positive response from customers old  and new. Lessons learnt for future fairs? We are more self-restrained than we give ourselves credit for, being next door to a cake stall for four hours, with all goods being made by those that supply the school daily. School food has come on a long way since our childhood.

Next time we'll have labels to help our customers find the right sample sizes and a card reader to make purchases easier. Apologies to all our customers, who persevered regardless. Thank you Ibstock Place School and its community for the warm welcome. With Thanksgiving a couple of days away we feel we have a lot to be grateful for.

Oh and our Second Skin Merino wool layers really do work to help keep you warm. Once the doors outside were open the thick winter coats came on even in the Hall. Except for us. We were toasty in our Noir!

Come see us at the King's College School Wimbledon Fair on Saturday 26th November and then The Harrodian School Fair in Barnes on Saturday 3rd December.

Until then .... keep warm.

Lisa & Bex

*Copyright Checkatrade
**Report by James Gallagher, Inside Health presenter, BBC Radio 4


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